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7,30 €
3 févr. 2021
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3 offres
7,30 €
3 févr. 2021
Don't ever get it wet. Keep it away from bright light. And no matter how much it cries, No matter how much it begs...Never, EVER feed it after midnight. With these instructions, young Billy Peltzer takes possession of his cuddly new pet. Billy will get a whole lot more than he bargained for.' Gremlins' is hilariously funny and wickedly scary. One minute you'll hide your eyes in fright, the next you'll hold your sides with laughter. If you saw 'The Howling', 'Innerspace', or 'Matinee', you have already experienced director Joe Dante's delirious visual magic. Here those skills are on breathtaking display; the result is a rollercoaster ride of wild originality.
8,49 €
3 févr. 2021
DVD Warner Home Video Gremlins dvd
11,58 €
3 févr. 2021