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11,49 €
3 févr. 2021
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3 offres
Clash Of The Titans
You've visited lands where a cyclops roams (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad), skeletons duel (Jason and the Argonauts) and cowboys lasso dinosaurs (The Valley of Gwangi). They are the worlds of Ray Harryhausen, the stop-motion effects master who creates another dazzling realm in Clash of the Titans.Olympian gods, mythological monsters and heroic mortals populate this imaginative spectacle. Harry Hamlin is Perseus, mortal son of Zeus (Laurence Olivier) and champion of captive Andromeda (Judi Bowker). From that storyline, Harryhausen unleashes sea creature Kraken, snake-haired Medusa, swamp denizen Calibos, flying horse Pegasus, two-headed dog Dioskilos, giant scorpions and all manner of eye-popping adventure. Let the clash begin!
11,49 €
3 févr. 2021
Clash Of The Titans
BulgarianCastilian SpanishCzechDanishDutchEnglishFinnishFrenchGermanGreekNorwegianPortugueseSpanishSwedishThai
12,26 €
3 févr. 2021
Blu-Ray Xbite Ltd Clash of the titans blu ray
18,00 €
3 févr. 2021
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